This broadcast discusses the use of limited companies and the interaction of the Health and Social Care Levy and the renewed obligation for GPs to declare their earnings in excess of £150,000.
WARNING: Potential Tax Increases 2022/23 Ramsay Brown Update 16 August 2021
This broadcast explains the proposal to change the basis period for taxes and the significant tax and pension increases that may arise.
WARNING: Potential Tax Increases 2022/23 Ramsay Brown Update 16 August 2021Read More
Ramsay Brown Update 4 August 2021
This update covers: How to claim compensation for the 2019/20 Annual Allowance Charges, Commenting on 5 threats to your pension mentioned by the Financial Times, and our view of the 2021 Doctors and Dentists Review Body Award
Ramsay Brown Update 10 July 2021
This broadcast covers the retrospective amendments to Final Pay Controls, comments about the use of HMRC Check Employment Status Tool (CEST) and the 2nd CGT Review by the Office for Tax Simplification.
Ramsay Brown Update 10 June 2021
This update contains important information on pensions, tax, electric cars, stamp duty, working from home, tax planning with partnerships, and teddy bears.
Lifetime and Annual Allowance for Pensions
This broadcast explains how the Lifetime and Annual Allowance Charges are paid and how they impact on your final pension and lump sum. For access to the earlier Total Rewards Broadcast click here. For access to details of the Compensation Scheme for Annual Allowance charges in 2019/20 click here.
The Ramsay Brown Guide to the Updated (April 2021) New to Partnership Payment Scheme
This broadcast explains the updated New to Partnership Scheme (updated April 2021) and how the Ramsay Brown team can help with the business training. For access to the Ramsay Brown Training Brochure click here.
The Ramsay Brown Guide to the Updated (April 2021) New to Partnership Payment SchemeRead More
Fraud in General Practice, PCN Action Now, Incorporating PCNs and Other Useful Tips
This broadcast covers Fraud in General Practice, What PCNs should be doing now for end of year and PCN potential incorporation and other useful tips. For access to the AISMA document on preventing fraud in General Practice, click here.
Fraud in General Practice, PCN Action Now, Incorporating PCNs and Other Useful TipsRead More
Introducing Hubdoc – the App that Records and Allocates your Tax Deductible Expenses for you
We have been working with the Hubdoc App to provide our self employed clients with a free App that can record and allocate your personal professional expenses claim for you. The record of expenses will also help provide evidence in the event of an HMRC enquiry. While we do not expect the App to replace the …
End of Year Financial Planning for PCNs
This broadcasts explains how PCNs can manage their PCN taxable surplus and other financial issues for PCNs.